References | A study of the modelling of a microgrid and its Power Management System | | You can contact the CAPSIM's specialist of this activity: - By email - By phone: +33 (0)4 42 63 61 18 |
Requirement: This project involved designing an islanded system supplied by a collection of multiple renewable electrical energy sources . The inhomogeneous character of the sources (wind turbines, fuel cells, diesel generators, etc.) required a suitable control system to be defined.
Realization: The first stage consisted of defining a heterogeneous type of Microgrid (wind turbine, photovoltaic panels, fuel cell, diesel generator and power grid) with choice of the voltage type (architecture on a continuous bus base).
A numerical model was then compiled from the sub-models for the equipment in the power grid, which had been individually validated beforehand. A method for developing the control rules for the different major components was then defined:- Identification of the functions required to make up the control system using functional analysis,
- Development, validation and integration of each function into the management code,
- Individual validation of each function, compatibility and non-regression tests.
Results: The study permitted:- from a control point of view, management of the control of numerous overlapping rules,
- definition of several control designs with optimization available, particularly the choice for location of energy storage,
- global optimization of the system as a function of the availability of the renewable energy sources.
Control functions realized using Matlab Simulink
CAPSIM - 11 Boulevard de la Grande Thumine - Parc d'Ariane, Batiment E1 - 13090 Aix-en-Provence - France
Tel : +33 (0)4 42 63 61 18