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3 achievement(s) found

Study of the ferroresonance risk on an industrial site

As part of the connection of a 63/20 kV transformer station supplying a gas compression plant, CAPSIM investigated the risk of ferroresonance on the site. [...]

Transformer Energisation study

When a transformer is energised, two main phenomena occur: an inrush current and a voltage drop at the primary side. The amplitudes of these two phenomena depend greatly on the remanent (or residual) magnetic flux, the transformer saturation curve and the instant of energisation. Before being commissioned, it should be checked whether the transformer is compliant or not with the local electrical grid standards.

Before the commissioning of a 40MVA power transformer on the UK electrical grid (33kV), the customer wanted to check if the transformer complies with the national standards in terms of voltage drops (« P28: Planning limits for voltage fluctuations caused by Industrial, Commercial and Domestic equipment in the United Kingdom ») during its energisation process.

If the voltage drop exceeds the limits, the transformer will not be compliant and therefore unfit to be commissioned. Mitigation devices should be installed in order to reduce the voltage. [...]

Energisation study of transformers in a wind power station

When a transformer is energised, two main phenomena occur; an inrush current and a resulting voltage drop at its primary side. The amplitudes of these two phenomena depend greatly on the remnant (or residual) magnetic flux, the transformer’s saturation curve and the instant of energisation. Before being commissioned, it should be checked whether the transformer is compliant or not with the local electrical grid standards.
For the case of the connection of a wind power station to the French RTE grid (90kV), the client wished to consider the different energisation (simultaneous or sequential energisation) strategies (at the 21kV level) of the wind turbine transformers which respect the transient voltage drop limit (5%) at the connection point. [...]

CAPSIM - 11 Boulevard de la Grande Thumine - Parc d'Ariane, Batiment E1 - 13090 Aix-en-Provence - France
Tel : +33 (0)4 42 63 61 18
